Take control of hospital pharmacy costs, contracts and compliance

Sentinel® helps you capture more by providing detailed tracking of all drug activity at the 11-digit NDC level for a complete audit trail and more insights into your pharmacy operations.

  • Evaluate patient dispensation eligibility using the configurations that you choose to best serve your organization’s needs and policies.
  • Integrate with any wholesaler to order electronically and import data automatically, helping to improve speed and eliminate data errors, without manual downloads.
  • Improve your drug spend by monitoring the ratio of purchases to dispensations to help you remain compliant and then identify lower-cost options.
  • Analyze your data with robust and customizable reporting that helps you uncover the most relevant insights to enhance your program’s performance.
  • Optimize your program with a longitudinal patient database that offers a larger and more precise pool of eligibility for more accurate determinations.
  • Produce a fully integrated audit record that allows you to spot-check information or export additional data for in-depth analysis to confidently handle audits.


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